Dennis G. Lucan and Slava Baranovskiy organised an entrepreneurial breakfast on Saturday 25th August between 10am and 12pm.
Hot topic in discussion at the last breakfast with entrepreneurs organised by the Marylebone Entrepreneurial Club. For a startup, DATA makes the most of the company's value on the market. Whether it is user data or information about competitors and access to analytics, underestimating the value of it often leads to serious consequences tied to thecompany's success rate. The discussiong revolved around the most effective ways of collecting and using data to build up a competitive advantage. Being highly committed to respecting the GDPR, the group investigated best practices for data security and ownership. The aim of the meeting was to highlight the importance of collecting and understanding data, giving the club members access to information about the latest global changes.
Boris Rykov
Make the purpose of data collection as transparent as possible to the end user.
Tatiana Nazarian
To achieve high results the data must be accurate and secured.
Olga Sauer
Businesses can only collect the data users provide up to a certain extent.
Jonathan Holtby
The world is changing. Either lead the change or be aware of it to avoid being caught by surprise.
Devon Veillette
Default rules the world. The goal is controlling default. Without it, change does not happen.
Slava Baranovskiy (Founder of ELIGENT SYSTEM)
Know how to use the data to create a portrait of your customers.
Olga Anderson
The better you know your clients, the better the service becomes.
Sulabh Sharma
Data is the new currency and businesses should embrace it as a change.
Dennis G. Lucan (Founder of DGL Group)
Data ownership will influence the power the end users have over a company/service.
Join us for breakfast by becoming a member of the Marylebone Entrepreneurial Club.
If you would like to see the stories and lives, follow: @dennisglucan on Instagram.
*The entrepreneurial breakfasts are for club members and by invitation only. If you would like to join, please send us an email: